Getting Acquainted
a series of books exploring self-censorship and vulnerability in friendships
What’s the Issue?
Among millennials, deep, abiding friendships are not nearly as common as they were for previous generations. Communication tools like texting, emailing, and social media have profoundly affected the way we interrelate. We censor ourselves by talking less — limiting what we reveal. We like to keep the stories of our lives comfortably controlled through various screens.
What’s the Project?
This series of books tells my most significant life stories and shows how I censor myself when telling them. What I reveal depends on my closeness to the person I’m telling, as well as the emotional depth of the story. I progressively disclose the details of my stories so that you might reflect on how you do the same in the telling of your life stories.
What’s the Solution?
Pause your posting, emailing or texting and just talk with other people, unfiltered. Have real conversations, ones that don’t involve the use of thumbs or a mouse. Experience the complexities and nuances of human relationships. Reveal something deep about yourself. Take my examples of vulnerability and honesty, and use them to examine the development of your life’s relationships.
Read the full Stories
The Introduction | The Engagement | The Presidency | The Low Point